A little about me

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I am from the beautiful Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Land of vast pine forests, the magical Lake Superior shoreline and honest, hard working and kind people.

I was raised by loving parents, played high school sports, started a small business and eventually moved away to pursue other interests.

I've worked in various sectors of corporate business and in private entrepreneurial enterprises. I've learned how to be alone in the woods or with millions on the streets. Not always easy, but all of it a great learning experience.

I create this blog because need a place to bookmark all the things I see, hear and read concerning earthy affairs. I share it with you; my family, friends, community, neighbors and fellow humans with much compassion, love and sincere desire for liberty and freedom for us all.

All My Best,
Dallas Pesola

P.S. I currently reside not on a peninsula, as was raised, but on an island; that of Manhattan. If you ever find yourself in my neck of the woods, please drop a line. :)